I have talked a lot about Apple TV, and I have explored replacing cable/satellite with an Apple TV. Well, since the Apple TV 2.0 software update came out, the possibility has greatly increased with direct downloads. But so far, there is one very significant hitch, when you download a TV season you have downloaded, the episodes come down in random order! How did this get through QA? Did no one actually buy a TV Season on Apple TV, or think, gee, let's download the episodes in episode # order?!?!?!? The mind boggles...
You say this is just convenience? Try telling that to your wife after you just bought her 20 something episodes of a show she wants to watch. Worse, it messes up the caching. The files get timestamped in the wrong order, so if you use 5 least recent unwatched in iTunes to manage cached files, you get the last 5 episodes of the season. I'll be filing a bug on this in the morning...